Social Media For Hotels

How should hotels properly use social media?

Hello dear readers of Reswio,

In our blog post, we will tell you how hotels, which constitute the most important cornerstone of the accommodation industry, should use social media correctly, mistakes made while using social media and which social media platforms are right for hotels. Then if you are ready let's get started!

What Should Hotels Do To Manage Their Social Media Platforms Correctly?

Regular Content Sharing on Social Media;

Hotels should create regular and audience-appropriate content on their social media accounts. When you share images or videos that will describe your hotel in the best way, you will be able to clear your guest's question marks about your hotel day by day and you will start to position your brand in a high quality way.

Advertising to the Right Target Audience;

After creating regular content, regular advertisements should be placed on social media channels. However, one of the most important issues here is to advertise to the right target audience. Because when you target users who do not have the potential to stay in your hotel, your advertisement will unfortunately not work and your sales will decrease accordingly.

Responding Quickly to Questions or Comments;

The questions asked by the guests about the hotel should be answered quickly before too long. Even if your guest makes a negative comment about the hotel, it should be returned politely without deleting the comments. This issue is very important in terms of creating brand loyalty

Filling in the Biography Field Completely and Correctly;

The contact information in the biography field must be filled in completely and accurately. If you fill in your information completely and correctly, your guests will have quick access to your hotel.

Choosing the Right Social Media Platform for your Hotel!

We examined the issue of what hotels should do in order to manage social media correctly. Now it's time to discuss which social media platforms are right for hotels. So which social media platforms are right for hotels? Let's take a look together.

Effective platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, Twitter and LinkedIn are among the social media channels where the most time is spent in Turkey. Today, the undeniable power of social media has gone to a very different place, especially with the Z generation creating new trends. The important issue here is that the power of trends should be utilized. Hotels should actively and correctly use the social media channels that users use, without forgetting that they identify trends. It should create content that will keep users on the profile without thinking too much sales-oriented. Hotels that can promote themselves mostly with images and videos should also catch the trends and benefit from the power of Instagram, Facebook, YouTube and TikTok. It should not be forgotten that Z generation young people determine the trend and this generation actively uses social media channels. Hotels that need to receive agency services at a professional level should position their brand in a strong place over time.

3 Major Mistakes Made by Hotels While Using Social Media!

Unfortunately, hotels overlook 3 important mistakes when using social media and share them with the wrong target audiences. Here are the mistakes made for you!

Buying Followers! (Which is the biggest mistake)

The most important mistake made is to buy followers. Due to the concern of growing the brand quickly, hotels often have to buy followers.

However, the most important thing to remember here is that social media platforms now have advanced artificial intelligence. For this reason, the channels that realize this move do not see your account organically. Since followers are purchased, these platforms never show posts to users, including discover. Your account is seen as a dead account in the eyes of the algorithm.

Not Knowing the Target Audiences of the Platforms Correctly!

Social media platforms have their own target audience. LinkedIn, which is used as business and business-oriented, or Instagram, which is used especially by the Z generation, are among the best examples of this situation. If you know your target audience correctly, you will do your marketing faster and more accurately.

Expecting Followers Without Regular Ads!

Regular sharing is not enough for you to grow your social media. Post access should be supported by regular advertisements. The accommodation sector has many alternatives and advertisements should be made by allocating a monthly / annual budget to the right target audience.

We have come to the end of our article, in this article, we have touched on anecdotes for hotels to use social media correctly. Until we meet in our next article, goodbye! :)

Written By Yağmur Sarıoğlu